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The future of wellness

Stackable, seamless, and hyper-personal

Wellness has become a powerful driver of economic growth, transforming sectors worldwide. Despite this, our survey of 4,000 consumers in the US and UK shows that many struggle with their wellness journeys. 

This reveals an opportunity for personalised, ‘stackable’ solutions tailored to diverse needs across six key wellness areas: sleep, movement, nutrition and diet, mental wellness, financial wellness, and social wellness. Consumers feel underserved in these domains, with high interest but low satisfaction in stackable habits. 

The focus is now on empowering consumers to curate their own personalised wellness solutions, blending data from various sources.

Download the survey results to understand:

  • The 'wellness stacking' opportunity
  • Findings on consumer spending trends
  • How brands can deliver for future consumer desires
  • Real world examples.

Consumer wallets back wellness and plan to continue investing


of consumers have purchased sport and wellness equipment, products, or tech in the last two years, and 78 percent are interested in buying or subscribing to new health, fitness, and wellness products and services in the next two years.


Only half of consumers rate their physical health as ‘good’ despite 85 percent being interested in it on a daily basis, and less than half (45 percent) are satisfied with current sleep quantity and quality.

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