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EU CO₂ emissions report

Some carmakers are running late in the race to 2021

{{ title}}Europe’s car makers are working hard to reduce their CO₂ emissions in time to meet strict EU targets that come into effect in 2021. Yet our most recent analysis shows the top 13 manufacturers are set to miss those targets and incur considerable fines.

This is the fifth year we’ve assessed progress towards the targets and, after positive results in recent years, many manufacturers have taken a step backwards. That means some companies are likely to face fines that could have a material impact on their profitability.

Our analysis shows it’s too late for changes in technology to make a difference to the 2021 targets, so manufacturers will have to take a different strategy to make an immediate impact.

Download our EU CO₂ emissions report to understand:

  • why CO₂ emissions from vehicles are still increasing
  • what manufacturers can do in the short-term to reduce emissions
  • how car makers can set themselves up for long-term reductions.

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